Period: | | Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, Amenemhat II/Nebukaure |
Dating: | | 1929 BC1895 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, |
Material: | | Wood (undetermined) |
Physical: | | 20.2cm. (7.9 in.) - 273 g. (9.6 oz.) |
Catalog: | | WOD.XL.00172 |
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Links to others from Dynasty 12
Bronze mirror, double Horus, Dyn. 12
Bronze of Goddess Nebethetepet, Dyn. 12
Ka statue of King Amenemhet III, Dyn. 12
King as Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 12
Limestone shawabti, Dyn. 12
Limestone shawabti, Dyn. 12
New year flask, royal gift of sacred water
Panel from outer wooden coffin, Dyn. 12
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 12
Scarab of Senusret I, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Lord Ptah, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Ra and four cobras, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Thot Ka Ra, Dyn. 12
Shawabti of Im-Neferw-Neb, Dyn. 12
Shawabti substitute of the dead, Dyn.12
Shawabti, substitute of the dead, Dyn.12
Stone head of a king, Dyn. 12
Links to others of type Statuette-man
Bacchus the child, Roman, 100 BC-200 AD
Bes in terra-cotta, Dyn. 27
Bronze athlete, Rome, 96-192 AD
Bronze Etruscan warrior, Etruria, 480 BC
Bronze Herakles, Etruria, 500 BC
Bronze Imhotep seated, Dyn. 25 (?)
Bronze ithyphallic god Bes, Ptolemaic
Bronze of a king as Nefertem, N.K.
Bronze of a king as Orisiris, Dyn. 18-19
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 18
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 22
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of King Psamtik I as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of King Psamtik I as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of King Sethi I as Nefertem, Dyn. 19
Bronze of King Shabaka ? as Osiris, Dyn. 25
Bronze of Ptah, Memphis, Dyn. 25
Bronze ritual pendant of Osiris, Dyn. 25
Bronze Samnite gladiator, Rome, 30 BC-68 AD
Bronze statuette of Anhur, Dyn. 20
Bronze statuette of Ptah, Dyn. 25
Bust of Zeus, Macedonian Dynasty
Disrobing ephebe, Roman World, 50-300 AD
Enameled feathers of Amun, Dyn. 18
Gilded wooden statuette. Early Dynastic
God Bes as a Roman soldier 30 BC-200 AD
Head, realistic portrait in stone, Dyn 18
Horus-the-Child, 1070-774 BC
Horus-the-Child, Alexandria, 100-30 BC
Horus-the-Child, Alexandria, 304-30 BC
Horus-the-Child as a ruling king, Dyn. 18
Horus-the-Child as Amun, 776-656 BC
Horus-the-Child, Dyn.19, 1300-1200 BC
Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 25, 776-656 BC
Horus-the-Child, heir to the king, Dyn. 26
Horus-the-Child, Ptolemaic, 200-100 BC
Horus-the-Child, Ptolemaic, 304-30 BC
Horus-the-Child riding a swan, 304-31 BC
Imhotep, vizier and architect of King Djoser
Ivory head of Emperor Constantine
King Ahmose II (?) as Osiris, Dynasty 26
King Amenemope (?) as Osiris, Dyn. 21
King Amenhotep II (?) as Amun-Re, Dyn. 18
King as Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 12
King Horemheb as Amun-Re, Dyn. 18
King Nekaw II as Horus-the-child, Dyn.26
Osiris, King of the Afterlife, Dyn. 18
Osiris, King of the Afterlife, Dyn. 22
Osiris of an unknown king, Dyn. 18 (?)
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 18
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 22
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 25
Porphyry statue of Alexander The Great
Pottery child head, Phoenicia, 1000-500 BC
Pottery silenus (satyr), Greece, 350-300 BC
Priest of Hapy, temple of Aswan, Dyn. 20
Ptah-Min of Memphis, Dyn. 20
Queen as Goddess Neith seated, Dyn. 25106
Ruling king as Khonsu, Dyn. 20
Sept, local prince of Nubia, Dyn. 12-13
Statue pedestal of Osorkon II, Dyn. 22
Statuette of a privileged man, Dyn. 18
Stone bust of a scribe, Dyn. 18
Stone head of a king, Dyn. 12
Stone statue of King Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Tall bronze Osiris, Ptolemaic Period
Unfinished stone statue, Dyn. 19
Wood statue of King Smenkhkare, Dyn. 18
Wooden statuette of King Amen-Em-Hat II, shown in daily life, wearing a robe on which is woven his Royal Name of Horus Nub-Kaw-Ra (How golden are the spirits of Ra). The state of preservation of this 3,900 year-old statue is remarkable.
"The only known statue of this king is preserved at the Louvre. It was found in Tanis... Unfortunately, it was so badly restored that it is hardly possible to use it to study Amenhmat IIs iconography... Nevertheless, he is very much like the statues from the Delta: the full cheeks, the modeling of the cheekbones and lower eyelids, the full mouth framed with deep furrows, the shape of the eyes... The idealized eyebrows are not horizontal here, but rather slope gently towards the nose (Vandier, 1958:180-181).
Third king of the 12th Dynasty, Amen-Em-Hat reigned thirty four years. Under his rule, and that of his son Senusret II, Egypt enjoyed an uninterrupted period of peace and started to play a key political and diplomatic role in the Near-East. Its brand of colonialism was softened and made more reciprocal, resulting in improved relations with local powers in remote areas of the empire. Egypt also opened up to oriental influences, which became perceptible in its civilization and art, and skilled labor from abroad flowed into Egypt.
The 12th Dynasty is the classical age of the Egyptian civilization. At peace with its neighbors, in a general context of regional and internal stability, Egypt was free to focus on the development and organization of its economy, and the expansion of its arable acreage through irrigation (Fayum), resulting in the creation of wealth, considerable innovation in the arts, and the greatest flourishing of its literature.
Bibliography (for this item)
British Museum, The
1975 A General Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections In the British Museum (reprinting of the 1964 edition). British Museum Publications, London, United Kingdom.
Grimal, Nicolas
1988 Histoire de lEgypte ancienne. Fayard, Paris, France.
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ([1]265)
Vandier, J
1958 Manuel dArcheologie Egyptienne. Tome III: Les grandes époquesla statuaire. A. et J. Picard, Paris, France.