Period: | | Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 |
Dating: | | 1991 BC1782 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Lower Egypt, Heliopolis |
Material: | | Bronze |
Physical: | | 13cm. (5.1 in.) - 210 g. (7.4 oz.) |
Catalog: | | MET.MM.00838 |
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Links to others from Dynasty 12
Bronze mirror, double Horus, Dyn. 12
Ka statue of King Amenemhet III, Dyn. 12
King as Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 12
Limestone shawabti, Dyn. 12
Limestone shawabti, Dyn. 12
New year flask, royal gift of sacred water
Panel from outer wooden coffin, Dyn. 12
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 12
Scarab of Senusret I, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Lord Ptah, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Ra and four cobras, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Thot Ka Ra, Dyn. 12
Shawabti of Im-Neferw-Neb, Dyn. 12
Shawabti substitute of the dead, Dyn.12
Shawabti, substitute of the dead, Dyn.12
Stone head of a king, Dyn. 12
Wood statue of Amenemhat II, Dyn. 12
Links to others of type Statuette-woman
Bronze female dancer, Rome, 200-27 BC
Bronze goddess Neith, Ptolemaic Period
Bronze of a queen nursing, Dyn. 25
Bronze of Ceres, Rome, 200 BC-307 AD
Bronze of Mut, Ptolemaic Period
Bronze Venus, Alexandria, 50 BC-50 AD
Etruscan young woman, 570-550 BC
Gilded statue of a queen, Early Dynastic
Hathor as a woman, cow headed, N.K.
Protodynastic female statuette, Dyn. 0
Queen Aqaluqa as Isis nursing, Dyn. 25
Queen as Goddess Mut, Dyn.18
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 12
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 25
Queen as Isis-Hathor nursing, Dyn. 21
Queen Hatshepsut as Goddess Mut, Dyn. 18
Queen Hatshepsut as Hathor, Dyn. 18
Queen Isis as Isis nursing Thutmose III
Queen Isitnefret as Isis nursing, Dyn. 19
Queen Karama as Goddess Neith, Dyn. 22
Terracotta young woman, Greece, 450 BC
Victory and Athena, terracotta, Greece
Woman and girl, Tanagra, 340-300 BC
Woman with elaborate headdress, Crete
This bronze statuette of Goddess Nebethetepet of Heliopolis from Dynasty 12 is a typical expression of the realistic school of the Middle Kingdom: personal face, big ears against the headdress, full cheeks, and long arms resting along the body.
Bibliography (for this item)
Budge, E. A. Wallis, Sir
1969 The Gods of the Egyptians or studies in Egyptian Mythology (unabridged republication of the 1904 edition by the Open Court Publishing Company). Dover Publications, New York, NY.
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. (
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