Period: | | Egypt, Early Dynastic Period/Thinite Period, Dynasty 01, Dynasty 1 |
Dating: | | 3150 BC3100 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Upper Egypt, Abydos [Pre-Dynastic and Early Royal Tomb] |
Material: | | Wood (undetermined) |
Physical: | | 6.3cm. (2.5 in.) - 19 g. (.7 oz.) |
Catalog: | | WOD.SS.00119 |
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Links to others from Dynasty 01
Large alabaster vase, 3150-2920 BC
Links to others of type Statuette-woman
Bronze female dancer, Rome, 200-27 BC
Bronze goddess Neith, Ptolemaic Period
Bronze of a queen nursing, Dyn. 25
Bronze of Ceres, Rome, 200 BC-307 AD
Bronze of Goddess Nebethetepet, Dyn. 12
Bronze of Mut, Ptolemaic Period
Bronze Venus, Alexandria, 50 BC-50 AD
Etruscan young woman, 570-550 BC
Hathor as a woman, cow headed, N.K.
Protodynastic female statuette, Dyn. 0
Queen Aqaluqa as Isis nursing, Dyn. 25
Queen as Goddess Mut, Dyn.18
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 12
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 25
Queen as Isis-Hathor nursing, Dyn. 21
Queen Hatshepsut as Goddess Mut, Dyn. 18
Queen Hatshepsut as Hathor, Dyn. 18
Queen Isis as Isis nursing Thutmose III
Queen Isitnefret as Isis nursing, Dyn. 19
Queen Karama as Goddess Neith, Dyn. 22
Terracotta young woman, Greece, 450 BC
Victory and Athena, terracotta, Greece
Woman and girl, Tanagra, 340-300 BC
Woman with elaborate headdress, Crete
This small, unassuming, and perhaps even unsightly statuette, with its peculiar bewitching eyes, may be one of the oldest depictions of a queen of Egypt. Carved out of wood, it was both gilded and painted.
Much more remains to be discovered about this unusual artifact.
Bibliography (for this item)
Clayton, Peter A.
1994 Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Thames and Hudson, London, UK. (59 (Menkaure-Hathor))
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ((III) 333-335)
Michalowski, Kazimierz
1968 Lart de lancienne Egypte. Editions dart Lucien Mazenod, Paris, France. (fig. 184, 197)
Rice, Michael
1991 Egypts Making: The Origins of Ancient Egypt, 5000-2000 B.C.. Routledge, New York, NY.
Tiradritti, Francesco
1998 Egyptian Treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. White Star Publishers, Vercelli, Italy. (66, 73)
Vandier, J
1958 Manuel dArcheologie Egyptienne. Tome III: Les grandes époquesla statuaire. A. et J. Picard, Paris, France. (PL.I/4 , Pl.VIII/2 , PL.X/4)