Ka statue of King Amenemhet III, Dyn. 12

Ka statue of King Amenemhet III, Dyn. 12
Period:Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, Amenemhat III/Nimaatre
Dating:1842 BC–1797 BC
Origin:Egypt, Lower Egypt
Material:Wood (undetermined)
Physical:26.8cm. (10.5 in.) - 290 g. (10.2 oz.)

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Links to others from Dynasty 12

Bronze mirror, double Horus, Dyn. 12
Bronze of Goddess Nebethetepet, Dyn. 12
King as Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 12
Limestone shawabti, Dyn. 12
Limestone shawabti, Dyn. 12
New year flask, royal gift of sacred water
Panel from outer wooden coffin, Dyn. 12
Queen as Isis nursing, Dyn. 12
Scarab of Senusret I, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Lord Ptah, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Ra and four cobras, Dyn. 12
Scarab with Thot Ka Ra, Dyn. 12
Shawabti of Im-Neferw-Neb, Dyn. 12
Shawabti ‘substitute of the dead’, Dyn.12
Shawabti, ‘substitute of the dead’, Dyn.12
Stone head of a king, Dyn. 12
Wood statue of Amenemhat II, Dyn. 12

Links to others of type Ka

Large wooden Ka statue, Dyn. 26
  This is a wooden statue of the Ka of a king, most probably King Amenemhet III (Ni-maat-ra Imn-m-ht) of Dynasty 12.

Ka statues were invariably surmounted by the upraised arms of the hieroglyphic sign “k3” meaning ‘soul’, ‘spirit’. Because of its thinness and precarious position, this symbolic sculptural element breaks off easily. In this case, the only part left was a piece of the mounting tenon embedded in the head. For illustrative purposes, we had the missing piece fabricated with the same wood, proportions and general appearance as the Ka of King Hor, and we left it unpainted to keep the restoration obvious.

“The surviving statues of Amenemhet III are striking, distinguished by both their originality and their workmanship, as in the case of a small head of the king (a masterly portrait of the last of the major rulers of the Middle Kingdom), now in the collection of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, which is one of the most elegant and subtle of his many portraits… It was arguably around the time of his long and peaceful reign that the Middle Kingdom reached its cultural peak” (Shaw 2000:167, 168).

Bibliography (for this item)

Gardiner, Alan
1957 Egyptian Grammar. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press, London, United Kingdom. (172)

Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée l’Egypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ((III) 195-199)

Shaw, Ian
2000 The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. (167,168,169,180)

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