Period: | | Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Middle Kingdom |
Dating: | | 1880 BC1720 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Upper Egypt, Elephantine |
Material: | | Serpentinite |
Physical: | | 11.8cm. (4.6 in.) - 1300 g. (45.9 oz.) |
Catalog: | | STO.MM.00405 |
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Bacchus the child, Roman, 100 BC-200 AD
Bes in terra-cotta, Dyn. 27
Bronze athlete, Rome, 96-192 AD
Bronze Etruscan warrior, Etruria, 480 BC
Bronze Herakles, Etruria, 500 BC
Bronze Imhotep seated, Dyn. 25 (?)
Bronze ithyphallic god Bes, Ptolemaic
Bronze of a king as Nefertem, N.K.
Bronze of a king as Orisiris, Dyn. 18-19
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 18
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 22
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of King Psamtik I as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of King Psamtik I as Osiris, Dyn. 26
Bronze of King Sethi I as Nefertem, Dyn. 19
Bronze of King Shabaka ? as Osiris, Dyn. 25
Bronze of Ptah, Memphis, Dyn. 25
Bronze ritual pendant of Osiris, Dyn. 25
Bronze Samnite gladiator, Rome, 30 BC-68 AD
Bronze statuette of Anhur, Dyn. 20
Bronze statuette of Ptah, Dyn. 25
Bust of Zeus, Macedonian Dynasty
Disrobing ephebe, Roman World, 50-300 AD
Enameled feathers of Amun, Dyn. 18
Gilded wooden statuette. Early Dynastic
God Bes as a Roman soldier 30 BC-200 AD
Head, realistic portrait in stone, Dyn 18
Horus-the-Child, 1070-774 BC
Horus-the-Child, Alexandria, 100-30 BC
Horus-the-Child, Alexandria, 304-30 BC
Horus-the-Child as a ruling king, Dyn. 18
Horus-the-Child as Amun, 776-656 BC
Horus-the-Child, Dyn.19, 1300-1200 BC
Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 25, 776-656 BC
Horus-the-Child, heir to the king, Dyn. 26
Horus-the-Child, Ptolemaic, 200-100 BC
Horus-the-Child, Ptolemaic, 304-30 BC
Horus-the-Child riding a swan, 304-31 BC
Imhotep, vizier and architect of King Djoser
Ivory head of Emperor Constantine
King Ahmose II (?) as Osiris, Dynasty 26
King Amenemope (?) as Osiris, Dyn. 21
King Amenhotep II (?) as Amun-Re, Dyn. 18
King as Horus-the-Child, Dyn. 12
King Horemheb as Amun-Re, Dyn. 18
King Nekaw II as Horus-the-child, Dyn.26
Osiris, King of the Afterlife, Dyn. 18
Osiris, King of the Afterlife, Dyn. 22
Osiris of an unknown king, Dyn. 18 (?)
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 18
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 22
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 25
Porphyry statue of Alexander The Great
Pottery child head, Phoenicia, 1000-500 BC
Pottery silenus (satyr), Greece, 350-300 BC
Priest of Hapy, temple of Aswan, Dyn. 20
Ptah-Min of Memphis, Dyn. 20
Queen as Goddess Neith seated, Dyn. 25106
Ruling king as Khonsu, Dyn. 20
Statue pedestal of Osorkon II, Dyn. 22
Statuette of a privileged man, Dyn. 18
Stone bust of a scribe, Dyn. 18
Stone head of a king, Dyn. 12
Stone statue of King Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Tall bronze Osiris, Ptolemaic Period
Unfinished stone statue, Dyn. 19
Wood statue of Amenemhat II, Dyn. 12
Wood statue of King Smenkhkare, Dyn. 18
This serpentinite bust portrays a young man of importance, wearing a classical Egyptian headdress. The general style (particularly the large ears) is indicative of the Middle Kingdom, in the Nubian provinces (egyptian territory from the first to the second cataract of the Nile). Who was he? The name that appears on the inscription at the back is Sept (sopdet, the star now known as Sirius or Sothis), followed by inb (fort, wall), suggesting he may have been a local ruler or commander in late Dynasty 12 or Dynasty 13 (1880-1720 BC).
The hieroglyphs on the back pillar read: The local god, and near me [the goddess] Neith, Sept of the fort, son of ... (Ntr Niwty p-n Neith Sept inb sa ...). Without the rest of the text, now missing, we are left wanting for more information about his filiation, charge, and rank as royal prince or local ruler.
By the early 12th. Dynasty (c.1950 BC) the Egyptians had begun to establish a string of fortresses between the second and the third cataracts. The purpose of these military establishments appears to have been to gain a stranglehold on the economic resources of Lower Nubia and the countries further to the south (including such important commodities as gold, ivory, ebony, animals and slaves). The boundary stele erected by Senusret III (1874-1855 BC) at Semna, near the third cataract clearly states this policy . . . .The fortresses not only served as important symbols of Egyptian military strength. . . but, in the case of Buhen, Mirgissa and Askut in particular, acted as temporary depots for the imported materials (Shaw & Nicholson 1995:205).
Along with her husband Sah (Orion) and her son Soped, Sopdet [Sothis, Sept] was part of a triad which paralleled that of Osiris, Isis and Horus. She was therefore described in the Pyramid Texts as having united with Osiris to give birth to the morning star. . . The earliest depiction, on an ivory tablet of the 1st-Dynasty king Djer (c.3000 BC) from Abydos, appears to show her as a seated cow with a plant between her horns. It has been pointed out that, since the plant is symbolic of the year, the Egyptians may have already been correlating the rising of the dog star with the beginning of the solar year, even in the early third millennium BC (Shaw & Nicholson 1995:275).
Bibliography (for this item)
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1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. (
Posener, Georges, Serge Sauneron, and Jean Yoyotte
1970 Dictionnaire de la civilisation Egyptienne. 2nd edition. Fernand Hazan, Paris, France. (
Shaw, Ian, and Paul Nicholson
1995 The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. British Museum Press, London, United Kingdom. (205, 275)
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