Period: | | Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Amenhotep IV/Amenophis IV/Neferkheperure/Akhenaten |
Dating: | | 1352 BC1336 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Middle Egypt, El-Amarna [Akhetaten] |
Material: | | Granite |
Physical: | | 29.7cm. (11.6 in.) - 15000 g. (529.5 oz.) |
Catalog: | | STO.XL.00596 |
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Links to others from Dynasty 18
Alabaster unguent jar, Dyn. 18
Alabaster unguent vase, Dyn. 18
Amenhotep III as Amun-Min, Dyn 18
Amulet of Bes, Dyn. 18
Amulet of god Thoth as a Baboon, Dyn. 18
Anthropomorphic mirror handle, Dyn. 18
Basalt shawabti of a king, early Dyn. 18
Blue faience ring, udjat eye, Dyn. 18
Blue faience shawabti, Dyn.18
Bronze Horus sarcophagus, Dyn.18
Bronze insigna-pendant of Atum, Dyn. 18
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 18
Bronze of Sakhmet seated, early Dyn. 18
Bronze statuette of Apis, Dyn. 18
Cartonnage of Princess Baket, Dyn. 18
Cartouche ring of Akhenaten, Dyn. 18
Carved face from a sarcophagus, Dyn. 18
Carved face from a sarcophagus, N.K.
Copper inlay for a box, Dyn. 18
Divine scarab, reign of Thutmose IV
Enameled feathers of Amun, Dyn. 18
Extensible bronze bracelet, Dyn. 18
Faience ear ornament, Dyn. 18
Foundation marker from Amenhotep III
Funerary box (panel), Dyn. 18-33
Gilded ib, heart amulet, Dyn.18
Gilded mkrt, snake amulet, Dyn. 18
Gilded tit (girdle of Isis) amulet, Dyn. 18
Head, realistic portrait in stone, Dyn 18
Horus-the-Child as a ruling king, Dyn. 18
Ibis-headed Thoth with human body, Dyn.18
King Amenhotep II (?) as Amun-Re, Dyn. 18
King Horemheb as a sphinx, Dyn. 18
King Horemheb as Amun-Re, Dyn. 18
King wearing the royal headdress, Dyn. 18
Limestone shawabti, early Dyn. 18
Lotus necklace terminal, Egypt, Dyn. 18
Monumental bronze feather, Dyn. 18
Mummy mask of a young woman, Dyn. 18
Nekhbet, vulture-goddess of Nekheb
New Years flask for sacred water, Dyn.18
Osiris, King of the Afterlife, Dyn. 18
Osiris of an unknown king, Dyn. 18 (?)
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 18
Pair of udjat eyes of Horus, Dyn. 18
Palm leaf amulet, Dyn. 18-19
Palm leaf amulet, Dyn. 18-19
Pillar capital, Hathor, Dyn. 18
Polychrome glass cup, Dyn 18
Queen as Goddess Mut, Dyn.18
Queen Hatshepsut as Goddess Mut, Dyn. 18
Queen Hatshepsut as Hathor, Dyn. 18
Queen Isis as Isis nursing Thutmose III
Royal situla, sacred water vessel, Dyn.18
Royal wooden sarcophagus lid, Dyn. 18
Sakhmet amulet pendant, Dyn. 18
Sarcophagus of a king, Dyn. 18
Sarcophagus of a queen, Dyn. 18
Scarab begets the existence of Amun
Scarab of protection, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Scarab with Amun-Re, solar discs, Dyn. 18
Scarab with Ba, Dyn. 18
Scarab with faith in Justice, Dyn. 18
Scarab with Goddess Hathor
Scarab with Horus of the Horizon, Dyn. 18
Scarab with nsw-bity, Dyn. 18
Scarab with sa singing birds, Dyn. 18
Shawabti of Amen, vizier of Amenhotep III
Shawabti of Queen Mutemwia. Dyn.18
Signet-ring of Tutankhamun, Dyn. 18
Statuette of a privileged man, Dyn. 18
Stone bust of a scribe, Dyn. 18
Stone shawabti of a Nubian viceroy, Dyn. 18
Stone statue of King Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Two cobras from the queens crown
Udjat eye amulet-pendant, Dyn. 18
Uninscribed wooden shawabti, Dyn. 18
Uraeus from a royal crown, Dyn. 18
Wood statue of King Smenkhkare, Dyn. 18
Wooden sarcophagus lid, Dyn. 18
Wooden sarcophagus lid, Dyn.18
Wooden sarcophagus lid, Dyn. 18
Links to others of type Statue
King wearing the nemes, New Kingdom
Mentuemhet, prince of Thebes, Dyn. 25
Stone head of a man, Palmyra, 150-250 AD
Terracota votive head, Etruria, 350-300 BC
These cartouches engraved in a large curved block of red granite were most probably part of a monumental statue of Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV), installed at his new capital of Akhetaten (Amarna). The three cartouches constitute the titulary of Akhenaten. The hieroglyphs read as follows:
Above the middle cartouche nsw-bity, Lord of the Two Lands.
In the middle cartouche: nefer-kheperw-re wa-n-re, Beautiful are the manifestations of Re. Sole one of Re.
First left-hand cartouche: [nh]ra-hr-hty-ha-i-m-ht, [Live] Re Harakhti rejoicing on the horizon.
Second left-hand cartouche: mm-rn-f-sw-nty-m-itn, In his name as Shw, as light in the globe (in Aten).
By their references to Re Harakhti and Aten, these two cartouches celebrate the essence of the new religion instigated by Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten.
Under the three cartouches, a single row of hieroglyphs reads: di-ankh-nhh-dt, May he eternally live in eternity! (By tradition, di-ankh was commonly appended to the name of the king.)
A painted limestone panel with identical inscriptions and cartouches, displaying a scene of the adoration of Aten by King Akhenaten, the queen, and two princesses, was discovered in 1891 in the royal tomb of Tell el-Amarna (Tiradritti 1998:188-189).
Bibliography (for this item)
Gardiner, Alan
1957 Egyptian Grammar. 3rd edition. Oxford University Press, London, United Kingdom. (295 ¶ 378)
Gauthier, Henri
1912 Le livre des rois dEgypte. Tome 2: de la XIIIe à la fin de la XVIIIe dynastie. Institut Français dArcheologie Orientale, Cairo, Egypt. (350
Hart, George
1986 A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, United Kingdom. (35-49)
Matouk, Fouad S.
1971 Corpus du scarabé égyptien. Tome 1: Les scarabés royaux. Fouad Matouk, Beyrut, Lebanon. (93, 94 # 517, 521
192 # 513, 517, 521)
Shaw, Ian, and Paul Nicholson
1995 The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. British Museum Press, London, United Kingdom. (26)
Tiradritti, Francesco
1998 Egyptian Treasures from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. White Star Publishers, Vercelli, Italy. (188-189)