Period: | | Egypt, 3rd Intermediate Period, High-Priests And Priest-Kings Of Thebes |
Dating: | | 1070 BC945 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes |
Material: | | Wood (undetermined) |
Physical: | | 36cm. (14.1 in.) - 740 g. (26.1 oz.) |
Catalog: | | WOD.XL.00111 |
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Links to others from High-Priests And Priest-Kings Of Thebes
Ornament of Satis, daughter of Hor, c. 980 BC
Ornament of Satis, daughter of Hor, c. 980 BC
Overseer shawabti of Amenemope, c. 1000 BC
Overseer shawabti of Piankh, 1074-1070 BC
Red clayware shawabti of Ankhefenmut
Shawabti of Amenemope, c.1000 BC
Shawabti of Djedkhonswiwfankh, 1000 BC
Shawabti of General Amen, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Hor, c. 1020-975 BC
Shawabti of Nesitanebashru, 965 BC
Shawabti of Nespaheran, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Nespaiherhat, 1070-1030 BC
Shawabti of Nespakanwty, 1000-950 BC
Shawabti of Overseer Pahhmedat, 1000 BC
Shawabti of Pennamen, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Pinedjem II, 990-964 BC
Shawabti of Queen Henuttawy, c.1050 BC
Shawabti of Royal Scribe Idjedir, 1000 BC
Links to others of type Ka
Ka statue of King Amenemhet III, Dyn. 12
Large wooden Ka statue, Dyn. 26
This large representation of the Ka of the defunct is made of wood that was carved, gessoed, and painted. The gilded face is a portrait of a typically New Kingdom Theban young man, wearing a rectangular collar eight-rows tall. His serene expression conveys the assurance of someone who has already started his eternal voyage of the afterlife. Such refinement and such attention to the representation of the Ka was not attained until the very end of the New Kingdom. The hieroglyphic sign of the Ka (two raised arms), once perched on its head, is now missing.
Bibliography (for this item)
Andrews, Carol
1994 Amulets of Ancient Egypt. University of Texas Press, Texas. (
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. (
(III) 383-385)
Robins, Gay
1993 Women in Ancient Egypt. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. (cover-portrait
147 plate 60)