Period: | | Egypt, 3rd Intermediate Period, High-Priests And Priest-Kings Of Thebes, Djedkhonsiufankh |
Dating: | | 1045 BC945 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Upper Egypt, Deir El Bahri |
Material: | | Faience (all types) |
Physical: | | 10.8cm. (4.2 in.) - 115 g. (4.1 oz.) |
Catalog: | | FAI.MM.00898 |
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Links to others from High-Priests And Priest-Kings Of Thebes
Ka statue, High-Priest of Thebes Period
Ornament of Satis, daughter of Hor, c. 980 BC
Ornament of Satis, daughter of Hor, c. 980 BC
Overseer shawabti of Amenemope, c. 1000 BC
Overseer shawabti of Piankh, 1074-1070 BC
Red clayware shawabti of Ankhefenmut
Shawabti of Amenemope, c.1000 BC
Shawabti of General Amen, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Hor, c. 1020-975 BC
Shawabti of Nesitanebashru, 965 BC
Shawabti of Nespaheran, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Nespaiherhat, 1070-1030 BC
Shawabti of Nespakanwty, 1000-950 BC
Shawabti of Overseer Pahhmedat, 1000 BC
Shawabti of Pennamen, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Pinedjem II, 990-964 BC
Shawabti of Queen Henuttawy, c.1050 BC
Shawabti of Royal Scribe Idjedir, 1000 BC
Links to others of type Shabti
Basalt shawabti of a king, early Dyn. 18
Blue faience shawabti, Dyn.18
Bronze shawabti, King Psusennes I, Dyn. 21
Bronze shawabti, King Psusennes I, Dyn. 21
Crude pottery shawabti, Late Dyn. 20
Crude pottery shawabti, Late Dyn. 20
Faience shawabti of Hekamsaf, Dyn. 26
Light blue faience shawabti, Dyn. 26
Limestone shawabti, early Dyn. 18
Red clayware shawabti of Ankhefenmut
Shawabti from Deir el-Medineh, Dyn. 19
Shawabti in elaborate dress, 1340-1220 BC
Shawabti of Admiral Hekaemsaf, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Amen, vizier of Amenhotep III
Shawabti of Amenemope, c.1000 BC
Shawabti of an unidentified king, Dyn. 19
Shawabti of General Amen, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Herefer-Neith, Dyn. 30
Shawabti of Hor, c. 1020-975 BC
Shawabti of Hor, son of Rurer, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Hor-sa-Iset-Mut-f, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Hor-Te-Ha, early Dyn. 20
Shawabti of Hor-Wdja, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Im-Neferw-Neb, Dyn. 12
Shawabti of Khonsu-Hor, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of King Djed-Hor (Teos), Dyn. 30
Shawabti of King Pami, Dyn. 22
Shawabti of King Psamtik I, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of King Psamtik I, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of King Psamtik II, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of King Psamtik II, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of King Psamtik III, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Mery-Seth-Hor-Mes, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Mery-Seth-Hor-Mes, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Neith-M-Hat, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Nesitanebashru, 965 BC
Shawabti of Nespaheran, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Nespaiherhat, 1070-1030 BC
Shawabti of Nespakanwty, 1000-950 BC
Shawabti of Overseer Pahhmedat, 1000 BC
Shawabti of Pa-iri, fan-bearer, Dyn. 19
Shawabti of Pennamen, c. 1000 BC
Shawabti of Pinedjem II, 990-964 BC
Shawabti of Prince Horiraa, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Prince Horiraa, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Prince Horiraa, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Prince Ir-Irw, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Prince Pa-Khaas, Dyn. 30
Shawabti of Prince Pa-Khaas, Dyn. 30
Shawabti of Prince Pa-Khaas, Dyn. 30
Shawabti of Prince Pa-Khaas, Dyn. 30
Shawabti of Prophet Wahibre, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Prophet Wahibre, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Psamtik-mry-imn, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Psamtikmeryptah, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Queen Henuttawy, c.1050 BC
Shawabti of Queen Mutemwia. Dyn.18
Shawabti of Royal Prince Ahmes, Dyn. 26
Shawabti of Royal Scribe Idjedir, 1000 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of the prophet of Amen, Dyn. 20
Shawabti of the Vizier Paser, Dyn. 19
Shawabti of Wahibramaket, Dyn. 30
Stone shawabti of a Nubian viceroy, Dyn. 18
Uninscribed wooden shawabti, Dyn. 18
Wax shawabti for bronze casting, Dyn. 21
Wood shawabti of King Seti I, Dyn. 19
Wood shawabti of King Seti I, Dyn. 19
Wood shawabti of King Seti I, Dyn. 19
This pale blue faience shawabti was made for the High-Priest of Thebes, Djedkhonswiwfankh (Djed-Khnsw-iw-f-ankh) great scribe of Amun-Re king of gods, majordomo, wab-priest of Amun-Re king of gods, god's father of Amun-Re king of gods, great sage in the knowledge of Amun, chief of the double granary.
This shawabti was discovered in 1891 in the Second Cache of Deir el-Bahri, and was published by Daresy in 1907 under the number 141. Found in the large chamber like his father Shedswhor, Djedkhonswiwfankh's sarcophagus, was given to Russia with Lot number 6 (Aubert 1998:105 #51).
Like the royal mummies of the First Cache, those of the priests can be dated from miscellaneous inscriptions: the defuncts were in fact dressed in cloth, with leather straps marked with the name of the reigning sovereign, or of the first prophet of Amun (Aubert 1974:169).
Bibliography (for this item)
Aubert, Jacques-F., and Liliane Aubert
1974 Statuettes égyptiennes: chaouabtis, ouchebtis. Librairie dAmerique et d Orient, Paris, France. (169 -171
Plate 51, # 122 , # I23)
Aubert, Liliane
1998 Les Statuettes Funeraires de la Deuxieme Cachette à Deir el-Bahari. Cybele, Paris, France. (105 # 51)
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ([I] 93
[III] 129)