Amratian cosmetic palette, 4000-3500 BC

Amratian cosmetic palette, 4000-3500 BC
Period:Egypt, Predynastic Period, Predynastic Period
Dating:4000 BC–3500 BC
Origin:Egypt, Upper Egypt, Naqada
Physical:21.5cm. (8.4 in.) - 230 g. (8.1 oz.)

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Links to others from Predynastic Period

Fish cosmetic palette, 4000-3500 BC
Macehead, Merimde, c. 5100 BC
Macehead, Merimde, c. 5100 BC
Prehistoric axe, Merimde, c. 5100 BC22
Shells amulet-pendant, c. 4500 BC

Links to others of type Palette

Fish cosmetic palette, 4000-3500 BC
  This slate, diamond-shaped, serpentinite cosmetic palette is from the Amratian (Naqada I) period of predynastic Egypt, around 4000-3500 B.C. (See Adams 1988:16).

A similar object is shown in Capel (1996:79, fig. 23d, 80, 23d) and described as “Rhomboidal cosmetic palette, slate, Predynastic Period, Naqada I, L: 25.5 cm, max. W: 8.7 cm Cincinnati Art Museum.”

Bibliography (for this item)

Adams, Barbara
1988 Predynastic Egypt. Shire, Princesss Risborough, United Kingdom. (16)

Capel, Anne K., and Glenn E. Markoe
1996 Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt. Hudson Hills Press, New York, NY. (79, fig. 23 d
80, 23 d)

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