Prehistoric axe, Merimde, c. 5100 BC22

Prehistoric axe, Merimde, c. 5100 BC22
Period:Egypt, Predynastic Period, Predynastic Period
Dating:5300 BC–5100 BC
Origin:Egypt, Lower Egypt, Merinde
Physical:15.8cm. (6.2 in.) - 530 g. (18.7 oz.)

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Links to others from Predynastic Period

Fish cosmetic palette, 4000-3500 BC
Macehead, Merimde, c. 5100 BC
Macehead, Merimde, c. 5100 BC
Shells amulet-pendant, c. 4500 BC

Links to others of type Axe

Openworked bronze ax, 2000 BC
  This prehistoric polished axe blade was most probably made in Merimde, Egypt around 5100 BC.

“Bifacial stone industry in Egypt… appears at Merimde in the late sixth millenium BC” (Hoffman 1991:181).

Bibliography (for this item)

Hoffman, Michael A.
1991 Egypt Before the Pharaohs: The Prehistoric Foundations of Egyptian Civilization. 2nd edition. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. (173-181)

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