Period: | | Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Ramesses II/Usermaatre-Setepenre |
Dating: | | 1279 BC715 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Lower Egypt, Memphis |
Material: | | Bronze |
Physical: | | 5.2cm. (2 in.) - 25 g. (.9 oz.) |
Catalog: | | MET.SS.00144 |
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Links to others from Dynasty 19
Bronze of King Sethi I as Nefertem, Dyn. 19
Foundation marker from Seti I, Dyn.19
Horus-the-Child, Dyn.19, 1300-1200 BC
Imsety canopic jar of Osorkon, Dyn. 19
Lapis seal of King Ramesses II, Dyn.19
Queen Isitnefret as Isis nursing, Dyn. 19
Relief of king offering small jars, Dyn. 19
Relief, procession of priests, Dyn. 19
Relief, reign of Ramesses II, Dyn.19
Ritual pendant for the Priest of Ptah
Seal of Queen Maa-writ-nefrw-ra, Dyn.19
Shawabti from Deir el-Medineh, Dyn. 19
Shawabti of an unidentified king, Dyn. 19
Shawabti of Pa-iri, fan-bearer, Dyn. 19
Shawabti of the Vizier Paser, Dyn. 19
Unfinished stone statue, Dyn. 19
Wood shawabti of King Seti I, Dyn. 19
Wood shawabti of King Seti I, Dyn. 19
Wood shawabti of King Seti I, Dyn. 19
Links to others of type Divine standard
Bronze ritual pendant of Osiris, Dyn. 25
Osiris with Djed pillar on back, Dyn. 26
Ritual pendant for the Priest of Ptah
In this small bronze pendant, Ptah-Tatenen is shown wearing his distinguishing skullcap. He holds the traditional was scepter in his right hand, while he grasps his penis with his left hand. His body is covered with feathers, symbolized by incisions in the bronze.
This rare ritual pendant of the Memphite cosmogony dates back to between the first half of the reign of Ramesses II of Dynasty 19 (1280 BC) and early in Dynasty 20 (1150 BC), although it might be as late the end of Dynasty 23 (after which the workmanship and style of the piece do not fit). Ramesses IIs special attention towards Ptah and Ptah-Tatenen is demonstrated by a lifetime of temple building. Hart (1986:211) documents that later, during Dynasty 20, King Ramesses III was represented on the walls of the tomb of his young son inviting the god Tatenen to look after the dead prince.
Bibliography (for this item)
Andrews, Carol
1994 Amulets of Ancient Egypt. University of Texas Press, Texas. (19)
Grimal, Nicolas
1988 Histoire de lEgypte ancienne. Fayard, Paris, France. (318)
Hart, George
1986 A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, United Kingdom. (174-175, 210-211
Ramesses III : 211)
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ((II) 57)