Period: | | Egypt, 3rd Intermediate Period, Dynasty 22 |
Dating: | | 945 BC715 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, |
Material: | | Faience (all types) |
Physical: | | 5.1cm. (2 in.) - 10 g. (.4 oz.) |
Catalog: | | FAI.SS.00451 |
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Links to others from Dynasty 22
Bronze of a king as Osiris, Dyn. 22
Bronze statuette of Bastet, Dyn. 22
Canopic chest of Rw-Bastet, Dyn. 22
Gilded bronze of Bastet, Dyn. 22
Osiris, King of the Afterlife, Dyn. 22
Osiris-Neper, god of agriculture, Dyn. 22
Pin finial, Goddess Bastet, Dyn. 22
Queen Karama as Goddess Neith, Dyn. 22
Sarcophagus for cat as Bastet, Dyn. 22
Shawabti of King Pami, Dyn. 22
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Shawabti of Sheshonq II (?) Dyn. 22, 890 BC
Statue pedestal of Osorkon II, Dyn. 22
Links to others of type Human figurine
Funerary female statuette, Dyn. 4-13
This faience figurine represents a king striding, an indication that he is actively ruling the country. The general style favor attributing this statuette to Dynasty 22 , 945-715 BC.
Takelot II
By the time Takelot II (850-825 BC) rose to the throne, the authority and power of the High Priest of Thebes clearly rivaled that of the King. Takelot IIs father had finally addressed the problem by installing his young son Nimlot in the position of High Priest. But ten years later, Nimlot was not prepared to be as obliging to his half brother as he had been to his father. Nimlot brought Herakleopolis under the control of Thebes and installed his son Ptahwedjankhef as commander of the garrison (the same position Nimlot had held before being High Priest). He also reversed roles and managed to marry his daughter Karomama II to King Takelot II, ensuring that the crown prince would also be his grandson. Takelot II accepted this state of affairs, and attempted to limit the damage by fostering more familial alliances between the royal house and Theban dignitaries. Although Thebes was not swearing allegiance to his crown, there was still peace and commerce between Upper and Lower Egypt.
When High Priest Nimlot died in year 10 of King Takelot IIs reign, the Thebans would not accept Takelots choice of Prince Osorkon as a successor to the High Priesthood, and revolted. In Herakleopolis, Ptahwedjankhef did swear allegiance to Prince Osorkon who then sailed to Karnak and crushed the Theban revolt. For the next five years, Prince Osorkons attentive, even lavish treatment of the lower Theban priesthood kept the peace. Then, revolt, anarchy, and violence erupted again. It would continue, on and off, throughout the rest of Takelot IIs twenty five year reign.
Bibliography (on Takelot II)
Grimal, Nicolas
1994 A History of Ancient Egypt (Reprint of the 1994 edition, translated by Ian Shaw). Blackwell, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Shaw, Ian
2000 The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.