Kings of Egypt, Listed Alphabetically

Dynasty Dates Reign
Ahmose I Ah-mose I
“The Moon is Born”
“The Lord of Strength is Re”

Ahmosis I Dyn 18 1570-1546 BC 24 yrs.
Ahmose II (sineit) Ah-mose II (si-neit)
“The Moon is Born Son of Neith ”
“He who embraces the Heart of Re”

Amasis Dyn 26 570-526 BC 44 yrs.
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) Akhenaten (Amen-hotep IV)
“Amun is Pleased (Servant of the Aten)”
“Beautiful are the Manifestations of Re”

Amenhotpe IV, Amenophis IV Dyn 18 1350-1334 BC 16 yrs.
Alexander III Alexander III Mery-amun Setep-en-re
“Beloved by Amun, Chosen by Re”

Alexander the Great Macedonian 332-323 BC 9 yrs.
Alexander IV Alexander IV Haa-ib-re Setep-en-amun
“Jubilant is the Heart of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Macedonian 317-305 BC 12 yrs.
Amenemhet I Amen-em-het I
“Amun is at the Head”
“Satisfied is the Heart of Re”

Amenemhat I, Ammenemes I Dyn 12 1991-1962 BC 29 yrs.
Amenemhet II Amen-em-het II
“Amun is at the Head”
“Golden are the Souls of Re”

Amenemhat II, Ammenemes II Dyn 12 1929-1895 BC 34 yrs.
Amenemhet III Amen-em-het III
“Amun is at the Head”
“Belonging to the Justice of Re”

Amenemhat III, Ammenemes III Dyn 12 1842-1797 BC 45 yrs.
Amenemhet IV Amenemhet IV Maa-kheru-re
“True of Voice of Re”

Dyn 12 1798-1786 BC 12 yrs.
Amenemnisu Amen-em-nisu
“Amun is King”
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 21 1043-1039 BC 4 yrs.
Amenemope Amen-em-ope
“Amun in the Opet Festival”
User-maat-re Mery-amun Setep-en-amun
“The Justice of Re is Powerful, Beloved of Amun, Chose of Amun”

Amenophthis Dyn 21 993-984 BC 9 yrs.
Amenhotep I Amen-hotep I
“Amun is Pleased”
“Holy is the Soul of Re”

Amenhotpe I, Amenophis I Dyn 18 1551-1524 BC 27 yrs.
Amenhotep II (heqaiunu) Amen-hotep II (heqa-iunu)
“Amun is Pleased, Ruler of Heliopolis”
“Great are the Manifestations of Re”

Amenhotpe II, Amenophis II Dyn 18 1453-1419 BC 34 yrs.
Amenhotep III (heqawaset) Amen-hotep III (heqawaset)
“Amun is Pleased, Ruler of Thebes”
“Lord of Truth is Re”

Dyn 18 1386-1349 BC 37 yrs.
Amenmesses (heqawaset) Amen-messes (heqa-waset)
“Fashioned by Amun, Ruler or Thebes”
Men-mi-re Setep-en-re
“Eternal like Re, Chosen by Re”

Dyn 19 1202-1199 BC 3 yrs.
Ameny Intef IV Ameny Intef IV
“Ameny Intef, Amun is at the Head”
“The Heart of Re Lives”

Amenemhet V Dyn 13 Circa 1778 BC n/a
Amyrtaeus Amyrtaeus

Amyrtaios Dyn 28 404-399 BC 5 yrs.
Anather Anather
“Ruler of the Desert Lands Anather”

Heka Khaswt
Dyn 16 Circa 1663 BC n/a

“Safe is His Heart”
Adjib, Merbiape, Miebis, Merpibia Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC 26 yrs. A S T
Apepi I Apepi I Au-ser-re
“Great and Powerful like Re”

Apophis I Dyn 15 Circa 1600 BC n/a
Apepi II Apepi II Aqen-en-re
“Spirit of Re”

Apophis II Dyn 15 Circa 1579 BC n/a
Arses Arses

Dyn 31 338-336 BC 2 yrs.
Artaxerxes I Artaxerxes I

Dyn 27 465-424 BC 41 yrs.
Artaxerxes II Artaxerxes II

Dyn 27 405-359 BC 46 yrs.
Artaxerxes III Artaxerxes III

Dyn 31 343-338 BC 5 yrs.
Ay Ay Mer-nefer-re
“Beautiful is the Desire of Re”

Aya Dyn 13 Circa 1719 BC n/a
Ay (itnetjer) Ay (it-netjer)
“Ay, Father of the God”
“Everlasting are the Manifestations of Re”

Dyn 18 1325-1321 BC 4 yrs.
Bakenrenef Bakenrenef Wah-ka-re
“Constant is the Soul of Re”

Bocchoris Dyn 24 720-715 BC 5 yrs.
Bernice IV (Queen) Bernice IV (Queen)

Ptolemaic 58-55 BC 3 yrs.

Biunutje Bawneter Dyn 01 3rd. mill. BC 18 yrs. S T
Cambyses II Cambyses II Mesut-i-re
“Offspring of Re”

Dyn 27 525-522 BC 3 yrs.
Cleopatra VII (netjeret merites) (Queen) Cleopatra VII (netjeret mer-it-es) (Queen)
“Goddess, Beloved by Her Father”

Ptolemaic 51-30 BC 21 yrs.
Darius I Darius I Setut-re
“Likeness of Re”

Dyn 27 521-486 BC 35 yrs.
Darius II Darius II

Dyn 27 423-405 BC 18 yrs.
Darius III Darius III

Dyn 31 336-332 BC 4 yrs.

“Who Strikes”
Dewen, Udimu, Usaphais, Khasety Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC 20 yrs. A S T
Djedefre Djedefre
“Enduring like Re”

Djedefra, Redjedef, Radjedef, Didoufri Dyn 04 2566-2558 BC 8 yrs. A S
Djedhor (setepeninhur) Djed-hor (setep-en-inhur)
“Horus Says (he will be ), Chosen of Onuris”
“Carrying out the Justice of Re”

Teos Dyn 30 362-360 BC 2 yrs.
Djedkare Isesi Djed-ka-re
“The Soul of Re Endureth”
Djedkare Izezi Dyn 05 2414-2375 BC 39 yrs.

“Who Succours”
Iti, Itit, Kenkenes, Atoti II Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC 31 yrs. A S T P

Wadji, Ita, Uenephes, Atoti III Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC 23 yrs. A S T
Djoser Djoser
“Divine of the Body”
Zoser, Tosorthos, Djeser I Dyn 03 2668-2649 BC 19 yrs. T
Hakor Hakor Maat-ib-re
“Justice is the Heart of Re”

Achoris Dyn 29 393-380 BC 13 yrs.
Harsiese Harsiese
“Horus Son of Isis”
Hedj-kheper-re Setep-en-amun
“Bright is the Manifestation of Re, Chosen of Re”

Dyn 22 870-860 BC 10 yrs.
Hatshepsut (Queen) Hat-shepsut (Queen)
“Foremost of Noble Ladies”
“Truth is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 18 1498-1483 BC 15 yrs.
Herihor (Siamun) Her-i-hor (Si-amun)
“Horus Protects Me, Son of Amun”
“The First Prophet (High Priest) of Amun”

High Priests 1080-1074 BC 6 yrs.
Hor Hor Auy-ib-re
“Re Succours the Heart”

Dyn 13 Circa 1760 BC n/a

“The Fighting Hawk”
Aha, Teti, Atoti I Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC 57 yrs. A S T
Horemheb (meryamun) Hor-em-heb (mery-amun)
“Horus is in Jubilations, Beloved of Amun”
Djeser-kheperu-re Setep-en-re
“Holy are the Manifestations of Re, Chosen of Re”

Horemhab, Haremhab Dyn 18 1321-1293 BC 28 yrs.

“Pleasing In Powers”
Hetepsekhemui, Bedjau, Boethos Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 20 yrs. A

“The Smiter”
Quhedjet Huni, Huny Dyn 03 2637-2613 BC 24 yrs. T
Inef VII Inef VII Nub-kheper-re
“Golden is the Manifestation of Re”

Inyotef VII Dyn 17 Circa 1645 BC n/a
Intef I (Sare ) Intef I (Sa-re )
“Son of Re Intef”

“Maker of Peace in the Two Lands
Inyotef I Dyn 11 2134-2117 BC 17 yrs.
Intef II (Sare ) Intef II (Sa-re )
“Son of Re Intef”

“Strong in Life”
Inyotef II Dyn 11 2117-2069 BC 48 yrs.
Intef III (Sare ) Intef III (Sa-re )
“Son of Re Intef”

“Beautiful and Strong Champion”
Inyotef III Dyn 11 2069-2060 BC 9 yrs.
Iput (meryamun sibastet) Iput (mery-amun si-bastet)
“Iuput, Beloved of Amun, Son of Bastet”
“Powerful is the Justice of Re”

Dyn 23 754-715 BC 39 yrs.
Kamose Kamose Wadj-kheper-re
“Flourishing is he Manifestation of Re”

Dyn 17 1573-1570 BC 3 yrs.
Kaneferre Ka-nefer-re
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 09 and 10 Circa 2100 BC n/a

“The Soul Appears”
Nebkare, Neb-Ka, Sedjes Dyn 03 2643-2637 BC 6 yrs. T
Khafre Khafre
“Appearing like Re”

Khafra, Rakhaef, Chephren, Khephren, Supis II Dyn 04 2558-2532 BC 26 yrs.

“Hope of all Hearts (Seth Name)”

Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 25 yrs.

“The Two Powerful Ones Appear”
Neferka-Saker Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 48 yrs. A S T
Khendjer Khendjer User-ka-re
“The Soul of Re is Powerful”

Dyn 13 Circa 1750 BC n/a
Khufu Khufu
“Protected by Khnum”

Cheops, Kheops, Suphis I Dyn 04 2589-2566 BC 23 yrs. T
Khyan Khyan Se-user-en-re
“Powerful Like Re”

Khian Dyn 15 Circa 1621 BC n/a
Masaherta Masaherta

Masaharta High Priests 1054-1046 BC 8 yrs.
Menkauhor Kaiu Men-kau-hor
“Eternal are the Souls of Re”
Dyn 05 2422-2414 BC 8 yrs.
Menkaure Menkaure
“Eternal like the Souls of Re”

Menkaura, Mycerinus, Mykerinus, Mencheres Dyn 04 2532-2504 BC 28 yrs.
Menkheperre Men-kheper-re
“Lasting is the Manifestation of Re”
“The First Prophet of Amun”

Menkheperra High Priests 1045-992 BC 53 yrs.
Mentuhotep I Mentu-hotep I
“The God Montu is Content”
“Pleased is the Lord Re”

Mentuhotpe Dyn 11 2060-2010 BC 50 yrs.
Mentuhotep II Mentu-hotep II
“The God Montu is Content”
“Giving life to the Soul of Re”

Dyn 11 2010-1998 BC 12 yrs.
Mentuhotep III Mentu-hotep III
“The God Montu is Content”
“Lord of the Two Lands is Re”

Dyn 11 1997-1991 BC 6 yrs.
Merenre I Nemty-em-sa-f
“Nemty is his Protection”
Mer-en-re I
“Beloved of Re”

Dyn 06 2283-2278 BC 5 yrs.
MerNeith (Queen) Mer-Neith (Queen)

Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC n/a
Merneptah (hetephermaat) Mer-ne-ptah (hetepher-maat)
“Beloved of Ptah, Joyous is Truth”
Ba-en-re Mery-netjeru
“The Soul of Re, Beloved of The Gods”

Merenptah Dyn 19 1212-1202 BC 10 yrs.
Meryibre Khety Mery-ib-re
“Beloved is the Heart of Re”

Dyn 09 and 10 Circa 2160 BC n/a
Merykare Mery-ka-re
“Beloved is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 09 and 10 Circa 2130 BC n/a
Nakhthorheb (meryhathor) Nakht-hor-heb (mery-hathor)
“Strong is His Lord Horus, Beloved of Hathor”
Snedjem-ib-re Setep-en-inhur
“Pleasing to the Heart of Re, Chosen of Onuris”

Nectanebo II Dyn 30 360-343 BC 17 yrs.
Nakhtnebef Nakht-neb-ef
“Strong is His Lord”
“The Soul of Re Abides”

Nectanebo I Dyn 30 380-362 BC 18 yrs.

“The Striking Catfish”

Dyn 00 4th. mill. BC n/a A S T
Nebkaure Akh-toy Neb-kau-re
“Golden are the Souls of Re”

Dyn 09 and 10 Circa 2070 BC n/a
Nefaarud I Nef-aa-rud I
“The Great Ones Prosper”
Ba-en-re Mery-netjeru
“Soul of Re, Beloved of the Gods”

Nepherites I Dyn 29 399-393 BC 6 yrs.
Neferefre Neferefre
“Beautiful is Re”

Raneferef Dyn 05 2460-2453 BC 7 yrs.
Neferhotep I Nefer-hotep I
“Beautiful and Pleasing”
“Powerful is the Soul of Re”

Neferhotpe I Dyn 13 1741-1730 BC 11 yrs.
Neferhotep II Nefer-hotep II
“Beautiful and Pleasing”
“Powerful is Re, Giver of Life to the Two Lands”

Dyn 13 Circa 1717 BC n/a
Neferirkare Neferirkare Nefer-or-ka-re
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Kakai Dyn 05 2477-2467 BC 10 yrs.
Nehesy Nehesy Aa-seh-re
“Great in Council is Re”

Dyn 14 Circa 1720 BC n/a
NeithHotep (Queen) Neith-Hotep (Queen)

Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC n/a
Nekau Nekau Wah-em-ib-re
“Carrying out the Wish of Re Forever”

Necho Dyn 26 610-595 BC 15 yrs.
Nimlot Nimlot

Dyn 23 Circa 712 BC n/a
Niuserre Ini Niuser-re
“Possessed of Re’s Power”
Niuserre Neuserre Dyn 05 2453-2422 BC 31 yrs.

Ninutjer, Neneter, Banutjeren, Binothris Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 47 yrs. A S T P
Osorkon I (meryamun) Osorkon I (mery-amun)
“Osorkon, Beloved of Amun”
“Powerful are the Manifestations of Re”

Dyn 22 924-889 BC 35 yrs.
Osorkon II (meryamun) Osorkon II (mery-amun)
“Osorkon, Beloved of Amun”
User-maat-re Setep-en-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Dyn 22 874-850 BC 24 yrs.
Osorkon III Osorkon III User-maat-re Setep-en-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Dyn 23 787-759 BC 28 yrs.
Osorkon IV Osorkon IV Aa-kheper-re
“Great is the Soul of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Dyn 22 730-715 BC 15 yrs.
Osorkon the Elder Osorkon the Elder Aa-kheper-re Setep-en-re
“Great is the Soul of Re, Chosen of Re”

Osochor Dyn 21 984-978 BC 6 yrs.
Pami Pami
“He who Belongs to the Cat (Bastet)”
User-maat-re Setep-en-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Pimay Dyn 22 773-767 BC 6 yrs.
Pasebakhaennuit II (meryamun) Pa-seba-kha-en-nuit II (mery-amun)
“The Star that Appears in the City (Thebes), Beloved of Amun”
“Image of the Transformations of Re”

Psusennes II Dyn 21 959-945 BC 14 yrs.
Pedibastet (meryamun) Pe-di-bastet (mery-amun)
“Wise One of Bastet, Beloved of Amun”
User-maat-re Setep-en-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re”

Pedubastet II, Petubastis Dyn 23 818-793 BC 25 yrs.
Peftjauabastet Peftjauabastet Nefer-ka-re
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Peftjauawybast Dyn 23 Circa 712 BC n/a
Pepi I Pepi I Mery-re
“Beloved of Re”

Pepy I, Piopi I, Phiops I Dyn 06 2332-2283 BC 49 yrs.
Pepi II Pepi II Nefer-ka-re
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Pepy II Dyn 06 2278-2184 BC 94 yrs.
Phillip III Arrhidaeus Phillip III Arrhidaeus Mery-amun Setep-en-re
“Beloved of Amun, Chosen by Re”

Macedonian 323-317 BC 6 yrs.
Piankh Piankh

High Priests 1074-1070 BC 4 yrs.
Piankhi Piankhi Men-kheper-re
“The Manifestation of Re Abides”

Piankhy, Piyi, Piye Dyn 25 747-716 BC 31 yrs.
Pinedjem I (meryamun) Pi-nedjem I (mery-amun)
“He who belongs to the Pleasant One (Horus of Ptah), Beloved of Amun”
Kha-kheper-re Setep-en-amun
“The Soul of Re Appears, Chosen of Amun”

Pinudjem I High Priests 1070-1032 BC 38 yrs.
Pinedjem II Pi-nedjem II
“He who belongs to the Pleasant One (Horus of Ptah)”
Kha-kheper-re Setep-en-amun
“The Soul of Re Appears, Chosen of Amun”

Pinudjem II High Priests 990-969 BC 21 yrs.
Psamtik I Psamtik I Wah-ib-re
“Constant is the Heart of Re”

Psammetichus I, Psametek Dyn 26 664-610 BC 54 yrs.
Psamtik II Psamtik II Nefer-ib-re
“Beautiful is the Heart of Re”

Psammetichus II, Psametek Dyn 26 595-589 BC 6 yrs.
Psamtik III Psamtik III Ankh-ka-re
“Re Gives Life to the Soul”

Psammetichus III, Psametek Dyn 26 526-525 BC 1 yrs.
Psusennes I Pa-seba-kha-en-niut I (mery-amun)
“The Star that Appears in the City (Thebes), Beloved of Amun”
A-kheper-re Setep-en-amun
“Great are the Manifestations of Re, Chosen of Amun”
Psusennes I Psusennes I Dyn 21 1039-991 BC 48 yrs.
Psusennes III Psusennes III

High Priests 969-945 BC 24 yrs.
Ptolemy I Ptolemy I Mery-amun Setep-en-re
“Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Re”

Soter I Ptolemaic 305-282 BC 23 yrs.
Ptolemy II Ptolemy II User-ka-en-re Mery-amun
“Powerful is the Soul of Re, Beloved of Amun”

Philadelphus II Ptolemaic 285-246 BC 39 yrs.
Ptolemy III Ptolemy III Iwa-en-netjerwy-senwy Setep-amun
“Heir of the Twin Gods, Chosen of Amun”

Euergetes I Ptolemaic 246-222 BC 24 yrs.
Ptolemy IV Ptolemy IV Iwa-en-netjerwy-menkhwy Setep-ptah User-ka-re Sekhem-ankh-amun
“Heir of the (two) Benificent Gods, Chosen of Ptah, Powerful is the Soul of Re, Living Image of Amun”

Philopator Ptolemaic 222-205 BC 17 yrs.
Ptolemy IX Ptolemy IX Iwa-en-panetjer-nehem Setep-ptah Ir-maat
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, in the form of Truth”

Soter II Ptolemaic 116-110, 109-107, 88-80 BC 16 yrs.
Ptolemy V Ptolemy V Iwa-en-netjerwy-merwyitu Setep-ptah User-ka-re Sekem-ankh-amun
“Heir of the (two) Father-loving Gods, Chosen of Ptah, Powerful is the Soul of Re, Living Image of Amun”

Epiphanes Ptolemaic 205-180 BC 25 yrs.
Ptolemy VI Ptolemy VI Iwa-en-netjerwy-per Setep-en-ptah-khepri Ir-maat-en-amun-re
“Heir of the (two) Houses of the Gods, Chosen of Ptah, Truth is the Form of Amun-Re”

Philometor Ptolemaic 180-164, 163-145 BC 34 yrs.
Ptolemy VII Ptolemy VII Iwa-en-panetjer-nehem Setep-ptah Ir-maat
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, in the form of Truth”

Neos Philopator Ptolemaic Circa 145 BC n/a
Ptolemy VIII Ptolemy VIII Iwa-en-panetjer-nehem Setep-ptah Ir-maat
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, in the form of Truth”

Euergetes II Ptolemaic 170-163, 145-116 BC 36 yrs.
Ptolemy X Ptolemy X Iwa-en-panetjer-nehem Setep-ptah Ir-maat
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, in the form of Truth”

Alexander I Ptolemaic 110-109, 107-88 BC 20 yrs.
Ptolemy XI Ptolemy XI Iwa-en-panetjer-nehem Setep-ptah Ir-maat
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, in the form of Truth”

Alexander II Ptolemaic Circa 80 BC n/a
Ptolemy XII Ptolemy XII Iwa-en-panetjer-nehem Setep-ptah Ir-maat
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, in the form of Truth”

Neos Dionysos Ptolemaic 80-58, 55-51 BC 26 yrs.
Ptolemy XV Ptolemy XV Iwa-panetjer-entynehem Setep-en-ptah Ir-maat-en-re Sekhem-ankh-amun
“Heir of the God that Saves, Chosen of Ptah, Carrying out the Rule of Re, Living image of Amun”

Caesarion Ptolemaic 36-30 BC 6 yrs.

“His Arm is Raised”
Kebh, Qa'a Seny Dyn 01 3rd. mill. BC 26 yrs. A S T
Qakare Iby Qa-ka-re
“Strong is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 07 and 08 Circa 2171 BC n/a
Ramesses I Ra-messes I
“Re has Fashioned Him”
“Eternal is the Strength of Re”

Ramses I Dyn 19 1293-1291 BC 2 yrs.
Ramesses II (meryamun) Ra-messes II (mery-amun)
“Re has Fashioned Him, Beloved of Amun”
“The Justice of Re is Powerful, Chosen of Re”

Ramses II Dyn 19 1279-1212 BC 67 yrs.
Ramesses III (heqaiunu) Ra-messes III (heqa-iunu)
“Re ha Fashioned Him, Ruler of Heliopolis”
User-maat-re Mery-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Beloved of Amun”

Ramses III Dyn 20 1182-1151 BC 31 yrs.
Ramesses IV Ra-messes IV
“Re has Fashioned Him”
“Ruler of Justice like Re”

Ramses IV Dyn 20 1151-1145 BC 6 yrs.
Ramesses IX (Khaenwaset Mereramun) Ra-messes IX (Kha-en-waset Merer-amun)
“Re has Fashioned Him (Appearing in Thebes, Beloved of Amun)”
Nefer-kha-re Setep-en-re
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re, Chosen of Re”

Ramses IX Dyn 20 1126-1108 BC 18 yrs.
Ramesses V Ra-messes V
“Re has Fashioned Him”
“Powerful is the Justice of Re”

Ramses V Dyn 20 1145-1141 BC 4 yrs.
Ramesses VI Ra-messes VI
“Re has Fashioned Him”
Neb-maat-re Mery-amun
“Lord of Justice is Re, Beloved of Amun”

Ramses VI Dyn 20 1141-1133 BC 8 yrs.
Ramesses VII (Itamunnetjerheqaiunu) Ra-messes VII (It-amun-netjer-heqa-iunu)
“Re has Fashioned Him (Father of Amun, God, Ruler of Heliopolis”
User-maat-re Mery-amun Setep-en-re
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Beloved of Amun, Chosen of Re”

Ramses VII Dyn 20 1133-1126 BC 7 yrs.
Ramesses VIII (Sethirkhopshef Meryamun) Ra-messes VIII (Set-hir-khopsh-ef Mery-amun)
“Re has Fashioned Him (Set is his Strength, Beloved of Amun) ”
User-maat-re Akh-en-re
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Helpful to Amun”

Ramses VIII Dyn 20 1133-1126 BC 7 yrs.
Ramesses X (Amonhirkhopshef) Ra-messes X (Amon-hir-khopsh-ef)
“Re has Fashioned Him (Amun in the Strength)”
“The Justice of Re Abides”

Ramses X Dyn 20 1108-1098 BC 10 yrs.
Ramesses XI (Khaemwaset Mereramun Netjerheqaiunu) Ra-messes XI (Kha-em-waset Merer-amun Netjer-heqa-iunu)
“Re has Fashioned Him (Appearing in Thebes, Beloved of Amun, God, Ruler fo Heliopolis)”
Men-maat-re Setep-en-ptah
“The Justice of Re Remains, Chosen of Ptah”

Ramses XI Dyn 20 1098-1070 BC 28 yrs.

“Ra is the Lord”
Kakau, Kakai, Nebra, Nubnufer, Nebounefer, Kaiechos Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 39 yrs. A S T
Rudamon Rudamon User-maat-re Setep-en-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Dyn 23 757-754 BC 3 yrs.
Sahure Sahure
“He who is close to Re”

Dyn 05 2491-2477 BC 14 yrs.

“Strong Protection”
Nebka, Necherophis Dyn 03 3rd. mill. BC 28 yrs.

“Powerful in the Body”
Djeser II, Djoser-Teti, Djoser-Ty, Teti Dyn 03 2649-2643 BC 6 yrs. T

“Thoughtful Friend”
Semsem, Izy-ntr Dyn 01 4th. mill. BC 18 yrs. A S T P

Sendi Snd Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 41 yrs. A S T
Senusret I S-en-usret I
“Man of Goddess Wosret”
“The Soul of Re comes into Being”

Senwosret I, Sesostris I Dyn 12 1971-1926 BC 45 yrs.
Senusret II S-en-usret II
“Man of Goddess Wosret”
“The Soul of Re comes into Being”

Snewosret II, Sesostris II Dyn 12 1897-1878 BC 19 yrs.
Senusret III S-en-usret III
“Man of the Goddess Wosret”
“Appearing like the Souls of Re”

Snewosret III, Sesostris III Dyn 12 1878-1841 BC 37 yrs.
SethPeribsen Seth-Peribsen
“Hope of all Hearts (Seth name)”

“Powerful in Heart”
Sekhemib, Per-ib-sen, Shm-ib, Nefercheres, Neferkare Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 17 yrs. S T
Seti I (meryenptah) Seti I (mery-en-ptah)
“He of the God Seth, Beloved of Ptah”
“Eternal is the Justice of Re”

Sethos I Dyn 19 1291-1278 BC 13 yrs.
Seti II (merenptah) Seti II (mer-en-ptah)
“He of the god Seti, Beloved of Ptah”
User-kheperu-re Setep-en-re
“Powerful are the Manifestations of Re, Chosen by Re”

Sethos II Dyn 19 1199-1193 BC 6 yrs.
Setnakhte (mereramunre) Set-nakhte (merer-amun-re)
“Victorious is Set, Beloved of Amun-Re”
User-khau-re Setep-en-re
“Powerful are the Manifestations of Re, Chosen by Re”

Setnakht, Sethnakht Dyn 20 1185-1182 BC 3 yrs.
Shabaka Shabaka Nefer-ka-re
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Sabacon, Shabako Dyn 25 716-702 BC 14 yrs.
Shebitku Shebitku Djed-ka-re
“Enduring is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 25 702-690 BC 12 yrs.
Shepseskaf Shepseskaf
“His Soul is Noble”

Dyn 04 2504-2500 BC 4 yrs.
Shepseskare Shepseskare
“Noble is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 05 2467-2460 BC 7 yrs.
Sheshi Sheshi Ma-yeb-re
“Seeing is the Heart of Re”

Dyn 15 Circa 1663 BC n/a
Sheshonq I (meryamun) Sheshonq I (mery-amun)
“Sheshonq, Beloved of Amun”
Hedj-kheper-re Setep-en-re
“Bright is the Manifestation of Re, Chosen of Re”

Sheshonk I, Shoshenk I, Shishak (Bible), Shoshenq Dyn 22 945-924 BC 21 yrs.
Sheshonq II (meryamun) Sheshonq II (mery-amun)
“Sheshonq, Beloved of Amun”
Heqa-kheper-re Setep-en-re
“The Manifestation of Re Rules, Chosen of Re”

Sesonchis Dyn 22 Circa 889 BC n/a
Sheshonq III (meryamun) Sheshonq III (mery-amun)
“Sheshonq, Beloved of Amun”
User-maat-re Setep-en-re
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Chosen of Re”

Sesonchis Dyn 22 825-773 BC 52 yrs.
Sheshonq IV Sheshonq IV User-maat-re Mery-amun
“Powerful is the Justice of Re, Beloved of Amun”

Dyn 23 793-787 BC 6 yrs.
Sheshonq V Sheshonq V Aa-kheper-re
“Great is the Soul of Re”

Sesonchis Dyn 22 767-730 BC 37 yrs.
Siamun Si-amun
“Son of Amun”
Netjer-kheper-re Setep-en-amun
“Like a God is the Manifestation of Re, Chosen of Amun”

Siamon Dyn 21 978-959 BC 19 yrs.
Siptah (merenptah) Si-ptah (mer-en-ptah)
“Son of Ptah, Beloved of Ptah”
Akh-en-re Setep-en-re
“Beautiful for Re, Chosen by Re”

Dyn 19 1193-1187 BC 6 yrs.
Smendes I Nes-ba-neb-djed (mery-amun)
“He of the Ram, Lord of Mendes, Beloved of Amun”
Hedj-kheper-re Setep-en-re
“Bright is the Manifestation of Re, Chosen of Re”
Smendes I Smendes I Dyn 21 1069-1043 BC 26 yrs.
Smendes II Smendes II

High Priests 992-990 BC 2 yrs.
Smenkhkare (Djeserkheperu) Smenkh-ka-re (Djeser-kheperu)
“Vigorous is the Soul of Re, Holy of Manifestations”
“Living are the Manifestations of Re”

Smenkhkara Dyn 18 1336-1334 BC 2 yrs.
Snefru Snefru
“He of Beauty”

Sneferu, Snofru, Soris, Senefrou Dyn 04 2613-2589 BC 24 yrs. T
Sobekemsaf II Sobek-em-sa-f II
“Sobek is his Protection”
Sekh-em-re Shedtawy
“Powerful is Re, Rescuer of the Two Lands”

Sebekemzaf II Dyn 17 Circa 1663 BC n/a
Sobekhotep II Sobek-hotep II
“Amun is at the Head, Pleasing to the God Sobek”
Sekh-em-re Khu-Re
“Powerful is Re, Protector of the lands”
Amenemhet VI Sebekhotpe II Dyn 13 Circa 1758 BC n/a
Sobekhotep III Sobek-hotep III
“Pleasing to the God Sobek”
Sekh-em-re Se-wadj-tawy
“Powerful is Re, He makes to Flourish the Two Lands”

Dyn 13 Circa 1746 BC n/a
Sobekhotep IV Sobek-hotep IV
“Pleasing to the God Sobek”
“Beautiful is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 13 1730-1720 BC 10 yrs.
Sobeknefru (Queen) Sobek-nefru (Queen)
“Beautiful of the god Sobek”
“Sobek is the Soul of Re”

Nefrusobk Dyn 12 1785-1782 BC 3 yrs.
Taharqa Taharqa Nefertem-khu-re
“Nefertum is his Protector”

Dyn 25 690-664 BC 26 yrs.
Takelot I (meryamun) Takelot I (mery-amun)
“Takelot, Beloved of Amun”
User-maat-re Setep-en-re
“Powerful is the Justice of Re”

Takeloth Dyn 22 889-874 BC 15 yrs.
Takelot II (meryamun) Takelot II (mery-amun)
“Takelot, Beloved of Amun”
Hedj-kheper-re Setep-en-re
“Bright is the Manifestation of Re, Chosen of Re”

Dyn 22 850-825 BC 25 yrs.
Takelot III Takelot III User-maat-re
“Powerful is the Justice of Re”

Dyn 23 764-757 BC 7 yrs.
Tanutamun Tanutamun Ba-ka-re
“Glorious is the Soul of Re”

Tantamani Dyn 25 664-656 BC 8 yrs.
Tao I Tao I Sa-nakht-en-re
“Perpetuated like Re”

Taa I Dyn 17 Circa 1627 BC n/a
Tao II Tao II Seqen-en-re
“Who Strikes Like Re”

Taa II Dyn 17 Circa 1609 BC n/a
Tefnakht Tefnakht Shepses-re
“Noble like Re”

Dyn 24 727-720 BC 7 yrs.
Teti Teti

Dyn 06 2345-2333 BC 12 yrs.
Tutankhamun (Tutankhaten) Tutankhamun (Tut-ankh-aten)
“Living Image of the Aten (Living Image of the Amun, Ruler of Upper Egyptian Heliopolis)”
“Lord of Menifestations is Re”

Tutankhamen, Tutankhamond Dyn 18 1334-1325 BC 9 yrs.
Tuthmosis I Tuthmosis I
“Born of the God Thoth”
“Great is the Soul of Re”

Thutmose I, Thutmosis I, Djehutymes I Dyn 18 1524-1518 BC 6 yrs.
Tuthmosis II Tuthmosis II A-kheper-en-re
“Great is the Form of Re”

Thutmose II, Thutmosis II, Djehutymes II Dyn 18 1518-1504 BC 14 yrs.
Tuthmosis III Tuthmosis III
“Born of the god Thoth”
“Lasting is the Manifestation of Re”

Thutmose III, Thutmosis III, Djehutymes III Dyn 18 1504-1450 BC 54 yrs.
Tuthmosis IV Tuthmosis IV
“Born of the God Thoth”
“Everlasting are the Manifestations of Re”

Thuthmose IV, Thutmosis IV Dyn 18 1419-1386 BC 33 yrs.
Twosret (setepenmut) (Queen) Two-sret (setep-en-mut) (Queen)
“Mighty Lady, Chosen of Mut”
Sit-re Mery-amun
“Daughter of Re, Beloved of Amun”

Twore, Tausert Dyn 19 1187-1185 BC 2 yrs.
Unas Unas

Unis, Wenis Dyn 05 2375-2345 BC 30 yrs.
Userkaf Userkaf
“His Soul is Powerful”

Weserkaf Dyn 05 2498-2491 BC 7 yrs.
“Prosperous is the Soul of Re”

Dyn 07 and 08 Circa 2181 BC n/a

Wadjnas Dyn 02 3rd. mill. BC 17 yrs. A S
Wahibre Wah-ib-re
“Constant is the Heart of Re”
“Jubilant is the Heart of Re Forever”

Apries Dyn 26 589-570 BC 19 yrs.
Wegaf Wegaf Khu-tawy-re
“Re Protects the Two Lands”

Dyn 13 1782-1778 BC 4 yrs.
Xerxes I Xerxes I

Dyn 27 485-465 BC 20 yrs.
Yakobaam Yakobaam

Dyn 16 Circa 1609 BC n/a
Yakubher Yakubher Mer-user-re
“Strong is the Love of Re”

Dyn 15 Circa 1642 BC n/a

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