Bronze of Ibis-Thoth, 3rd Inter. Period

Bronze of Ibis-Thoth, 3rd Inter. Period
Period:Egypt, 3rd Intermediate Period, 3rd Intermediate Period
Dating:1085 BC–715 BC
Origin:Egypt, Middle Egypt, Hermopolis [Ashmunein]
Physical:8.8cm. (3.4 in.) - 155 g. (5.5 oz.)

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Links to others from 3rd Intermediate Period

Bronze of Sakhmet seated, Dyn. 20-23
Horus-the-Child, 1070-774 BC
Mummy bead net, Dyn. 25-31
Mummy bead net, Dyn. 25-31
Mummy bead net, Dyn. 25-31
Mummy bead net, Dyn. 25-31
Mummy bead net with scarab, Dyn. 25-31
Necklace with beads and seven amulets
Scarab wing mummy net piece
Scarab with Goddess Hathor, 1070-656 BC
Sky Goddess Nut as a sow, 1085-760 BC

Links to others representing Thoth

Ibis-headed Thoth with human body, Dyn.18
Scarab of Thutmose III, Dyn. 18
Staff finial, Thoth as a baboon, Dyn. 26
Thoth as a baboon, stone, 2700-2500 BC

Links to others of type Statuette-animal

Bronze of Sakhmet seated, Dyn. 20-23
Bronze of Sakhmet seated, early Dyn. 18
Bronze Ra ensign, Early Dynastic
Bronze statuette of Apis, Dyn. 18
Bronze statuette of Apis, Late Period
Bronze statuette of Apis, New Kingdom
Bronze statuette of Bastet, Dyn. 22
Bronze statuette of Bastet, Dyn. 26
Bronze statuette of Sakhmet, Dyn. 20
Gilded bronze of Bastet, Dyn. 22
Horus, Lord of the Two Lands. N.K.
Ibis-headed Thoth with human body, Dyn.18
Oxyrynchus sacred fish, New Kingdom
Thoth as a baboon, stone, 2700-2500 BC
Unidentified king as Khnum, Dyn. 20
Wood statuette of Horus stiding, Dyn. 11
  This bronze of the sacred Ibis-Thoth is from the 3rd Intermediate Period (945-715 BC).

Bibliography (for this item)

Clayton, Peter A.
1994 Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt. Thames and Hudson, London, UK. (214-215)

Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée l’Egypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ((II) 177-179)

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