Period: | | Egypt, New Kingdom, New Kingdom |
Dating: | | 1570 BC1070 BC |
Origin: | | Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes |
Material: | | Wood (undetermined) |
Physical: | | 23cm. (9 in.) - |
Catalog: | | WOD.XL.00157 |
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Links to others from New Kingdom
Bronze feather, horn and cobra, N. K.
Bronze of a king as Nefertem, N.K.
Bronze of a king as Orisiris, Dyn. 18-19
Bronze statuette of Apis, New Kingdom
Gilded cartonnage collar, New Kingdom
Hathor as a woman, cow headed, N.K.
Horus, Lord of the Two Lands. N.K.
King wearing the nemes, New Kingdom
Large amulet of Pataikos, Dyn. 20-21
Mummy foot casing, New Kingdom
Mummy foot casing, New Kingdom
Oxyrynchus sacred fish, New Kingdom
Scarab with God Khonsu, Dyn. 18
Shawabti in elaborate dress, 1340-1220 BC
Staff finial,Tefnut rearing up, Dyn. 20-21
Links to others representing Anubis
Faience amulet of Anubis, 525-334 BC
This black wooden sculpture represents the god Anubis (Hry-sata), sitting upon the Secret.
The Anubis dog is probably the jackal and is thus referred to under the name sab in early texts...Certainly the black coat of Anubis is not true to nature but symbolic. It represents the discolouration of the corpse after its treatment in natron and the smearing of the wrappings with a resinous substance during mummification. This leads on to the idea of rebirth in the afterlife
In the Pyramid Era, Anubis is closely allied to the monarch who is described as having Atums body but the face of Anubis. When the king joins the sun-god in the afterlife he takes Anubis with him on his neck (Hart 1986:22).
Bibliography (for this item)
Hart, George
1986 A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, United Kingdom. (22)
Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée lEgypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ((I) 71)