Offering bearer, Theban tomb, Dyn.10-11

Offering bearer, Theban tomb, Dyn.10-11
Period:Egypt, 1st Intermediate Period, 1st Intermediate Period
Dating:2175 BC–2061 BC
Origin:Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes
Material:Wood (undetermined)
Physical:34.5cm. (13.5 in.) - 400 g. (14.1 oz.)

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Wooden cobra with solar disc

Links to others of type Statuette

Bronze of Eros, Ptolemaic, 200-100 BC
Bronze statuette of Aphrodite, Ptolemaic
  This large wooden statuette depicts an offering bearer with his arms at his sides and a basket balanced on his head. The feet are sculpted rather than painted on the pedestal. This offering bearer was probably not alone, but part of a procession scene in the tomb. First Intermediate Period, Dynasty 10-11, 2175-2061 BC.

“Processions of men and women bringing gifts are common in First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom tombs” (D’Auria et al. 1992:115).

Bibliography (for this item)

D’Auria, Sue, Peter Lacovara, and Catharine H. Roehrig
1992 Mummies & Magic. The Funerary Arts of Ancient Egypt (Reprinted with changes by the Dallas Museum of Arts, from the 1988 Boston edition). Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA. (115)

Khalil, Hassan M.
1976 Preliminary Studies on the Sanusret Collection. Manuscript, Musée l’Egypte et le Monde Antique, Monaco-Ville, Monaco. ((II) 209-217)

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