Ivory kohl stick

Ivory kohl stick
Period:Egypt, Dating Unknown, Dating Unknown
Dating:2000 BC–331 BC
Physical:7.5cm. (2.9 in.) -

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Links to others from Dating Unknown

Mouth-opener (pesesh-kef)
Mouth-opener (pesesh-kef)
Mouth-opener (pesesh-kef)
Scarab with king and obelisk

Links to others of type Kohl

Glass khol tube, Palestine, 350-450 AD
Glass kohl tube, Palestine, 350-450 AD
Kohl tubular jar, Syria, 200-300 AD
  Ivory kohl sticks such as this one were used from the Middle Kingdom to the end of pharaonic times to apply eye paint to the edge of the eyelid. Possibly from Dynasty 18.

Tardy (1977:72, fig. 4) described this very needle as “Needle, last millennium BC. L’ Egypte et le Monde Antique. Collection Sanousrit. Monaco.”

Louvre Museum, #706, little stick with thick stem and round head. Length: 7.7 cm, material: Ivory (Vandier d’Abbadie 1972:155-162).

Bibliography (for this item)

1977 Les Ivoires. Tardy, Paris, France. (
72, fig.4)

Vandier d’Abbadie, J.
1972 Catalogue des objets de toilette égyptiens. Editions des Musées Nationaux, Paris, France. (155-162
stylet # 706)

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